
100 2022-02-24 10:32 宣传员



这是最基本也最有效的记忆方法,必须要掌握。举gre中最臭名昭著的一个单词为例:arteriosclerosis。这个词让无数人口喷鲜血,但了解了词根,无非是arterio+sclero+sis,即动脉、硬化症,过目不忘。 用词根记忆法,往往事半功倍,如carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, 本来一个都记不住,放在一起,一目了然。而且以后记carnage, carnalism, herbaceous, herbiferous, omnicompetent, omnificent, omnipotent等,更是不费吹灰之力。


凭已知的来学习未知,会让人倍觉轻松。比如背一个生词marrow就不如记把narrow换一个字母来得省力省时。同样,smother这个词长得古怪,但记成s(死)+mother就很容易掌握。用这个方法,不仅能够更快地记忆单词,更重要的是使我们发现,即使是背单词这种无聊透顶的事,也可以做得趣味盎然。反正是要背,何不让自己轻松一点?再试试这几组:defer, deter; blight, bright;vocation, avocation; eminent, imminent;ally, rally, allay, alley, alloy。


很多时候,孤立地记一个事物,反而不如同时记忆多个同类效果来得好。所以把意义相近的词放在一起记,可以大大提高效率,更对日后实战时的类比题有着莫大的帮助。分类可有两种,一种是把同义词归纳在一起,如关于格言的:adage, proverb, allegory, fable, dictum, maxim, motto, aphorism。关于欺骗的:deceive, beguile, betray, inveigle, dupe, hoax, bamboozle, delude, hoodwink, defraud, swindle。另一种分类是把相关的单词归为一类,如关于宝石的:ruby, sapphire, emerald, jade, turquoise, amethyst, rhinestone, opal。关于植物的:oak, cypress, almond, maple, elm, elm, willow, cactus, vanilla, orchid, chrysanthemum, balsam。这种分类工作利用电子辞典来做最为方便。






现在我们的日常生活中有很多机会学习单词,一定要珍惜这些机会。有些人整天把奔腾挂在嘴边,却不知道pent的词根含义,只知道联想、方正,不知道legend, founder,看过了《泰坦尼克》、《龙卷风》却记不住titanic, tornado, 喜欢玛丽亚?凯丽,却不明白diva, soprano的含义,真让人不知道说什么好。其实只要稍微留心,买花时可以学会carnation(康乃馨),喝酸奶的时候能记住yoghourt,吃冰淇淋时可以学会vanilla。






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英 [ˈklaʊdi] 美 [ˈklaʊdi]

形容词 多云的; 阴天的; 朦胧的; 愁容满面的

1. i braved severely cold to return to be separated by 2, 000 miles morethan 20 years hometowns not to go time is a severe winter, advancesgradually when the hometown the weather cloudy has been filthy thecold wind blows in the cabin hum the sound as soon as looks from theloose crack to outside, under the greenish yellow nadir far and nearthe horizontal several xiao suo deserted village, is not having someliveliness my heart be out of control dismal to get up!


2. buddha found that the day is cloudy, master miao-sheng thought, if this is the manjusri sensitivity of living creatures will be fine, i would like immediately after the fine; two lay at that time to take mushrooms, holding back a pile of mushrooms, read master miao-sheng said, smoothing the top of mushrooms like a monk's head, the future after the construction of this temple monks have become the first batch of 33, and the number of mushrooms, theyshu liao shu, the hands of three 12 out of a mushroom on the ground, just 32; day a bird flew overhead from the buddha in taiwan total of five times between the two pine trees, there are other baorui with the emergence of the evening they have been five point back to temple.


3. if you like the one as cloudy


4. the history of wine is a cloudy one, at least before


5. these day-long weather are very good, but is only thought that today is quite good one day, clear extension cloudy - 3℃~7℃.


多云的英文单词:broken sky

1. i look into the distance that the rise of the blue sky, the sky is left floating in white clouds, like a broken heart miss a line of one end of kite flying in the clouds, at this very moment my heart is sweet.


2. you are shooting star that traverd the sky, bursting out your pulchritude which made heart broken for a instant; you are a cloud of


3. the strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarse cries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the grand canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.


4. the strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarsecries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the grand canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.



1. 其中,18日夜间到19日白天,北部、中部、东部地区雷阵雨转中到大雨,局部暴雨;西部地区多云转小到中雨,局部大雨;南部地区雷阵雨转小到中雨,局部大雨。19日夜间到20日白天,北部地区阴天有中到大雨;中部、西部地区阴天有中到大雨,局部暴雨;东部、南部地区阴天有小到中雨。

among them, 18 to 19 during the day and night, the northern, central, eastern region in turn to heavy rain showers, local heavy rainfall; the western region of small to moderate rain to cloudy, local rain; the southern region to light to moderate rain showers, local heavy rain.

2. 多云的一天。

it`s a cloudy day.

3. 今天阴转多云。

it will be from overcast to cloudy today.

4. 我的祈祷感动了上帝,浓阴的天色变得光亮起来,竟然阴转多云,多云转晴,出现了蓝天白云,仿佛揭开了神秘面纱,美国阿拉斯加的哈勃冰川便完美无瑕的展现在我们面前。

i am touched by the prayers of god, the sky became bright浓阴up, even changing to mostly cloudy, cloudy to sunny, blue sky and white clouds appeared, as if opening a mystery, hubble alaska glaciers of the show will be perfect in front of us.

5. 20xx年10月06日连云港:阴转多云16℃~21℃

appendix 2 models, specifications and technical indices ofthe contract products

6. 天气看起来很阴沈多云,我觉得可能快要下雨了。

the weather looks dull and cloudy; i think it`s going to rain.

7. xx年的10月1日,迎来了多云的一个天气,50年的阅兵庆典如期举行了,看着电视转播,我们在打麻将,中午吃的火锅,在一个租房子的同学家,好像在西二旗,离天安门挺远的,但是年少的我还是很兴奋很兴奋。

a cloudy day, the celebration of china 50 years birthday was hold in tian an men plaza. we were playing the majing while watching the tv live. then we ate huoguo in moon and stayed all day in my classmate home in xierqi far away from tian an men, but we were all excited very much because we were so young that time. 发表评论: 1.狮子的英文单词是什么样的 2.表示各种天气的英文单词形式 3.各种天气用英文怎么表达




1. 母亲把小孩靠沙发放好,冲进厨房。

the mother set the baby against the sofa and rushed to the kitchen.

2. 这是贯彻落实你将使用90 %的时间内,以形成产品在厨房。

this is the implement you will use 90% of the time to shape product in the kitchen.

3. 在厨房里他们看见两只小豪猪正忙着吃碗里的面包和热牛奶。

in the kitchen they found two young hedgehogs, busy with bowls of bread and hot milk.

4. 一九七八年出生在莉欧妮妈妈意大利餐厅的厨房里。

liou ni was born in 1978 in italy mother in the kitchen of the restaurant.

5. 我会留一份饭摆在厨房里。

i`ll leave a meal laid out in the kitchen.

6. 希斯克利夫从窗户跳进厨房,开始对躺在地板上已人事不知的亨德雷拳打脚踢。

heath- cliff jumped into the kitchen through the window, and started kicking and hitting hindley. who was lying unconscious on the kitchen floor.

7. 我家厨房的地板看上去就像一块出土文物,上面斑斑点点全是他的饼干渣。

the kitchen floor resembles an archaeological dig, covered as it is by these brittle tesserae.


1. 设计的时候没有考虑到志工要在这边住,所以根本没有考虑到寮房浴室的问题,后来上人讲说发放要利用这样的地方。

during the designing process, we didn't think the volunteers were going to stay here, so we didn't include a dormitory and bathrooms.

2. 假设你准备在一间隔音的浴室里洗澡,浴室没有窗户,只有一扇门,门一旦关上就自动锁起来,从外面才能打开。

there`s only one door, and it locks automatically from outside when shut.

3. 上海利比浴室设备有限公司

e2001 shanghai libi bathroom equipment co., ltd.

4. 本次展览为期一年,共设置厨房区、书房区、浴室区、客厅区、数字公交车站、未来区等六个展区,内容涵盖食、医、住、行、乐等多个方面,展示在一般民众生活中,通过ipv6应用的自动化环境,让电灯、摄影机、电冰箱、音响、微波炉、医疗设施等,都能通过远程电脑控制,实现未来聪明型的网络生活。

this second exhibition by a definite date a year, install bus of kitchen division, study area, bathroom area, sitting room area, number in all area of station, future 6 exhibit an area, content is covered feed, cure, live, travel, happy wait for many respects, reveal in grass-roots life, pass the automation environment of ipv6 application, let establishment of electric lamp, cinematograph, freezer, acoustics, microwave oven, medical treatment wait, can pass long-range computer to control, implementation future wisdom the network lives.

5. 这种家庭住房提供了5个卧室的套房和一客用的浴室房间。

this family home offers five bedroom suites and a guest powder room that accommodate ultimate individualized living space.

6. 主卧室是通过公开进入浴室和盥洗室,并重新连接到入口走廊。

master bedroom is entered through open bathroom and powder room and reconnected to entrance corridor.

7. 饭店有25间带浴室的客房。

the hotel has 25 bedrooms, all e n suite.


1. 古代的厕所又简陋,又多异味,能在那儿还念得绵绵密密,真是断除妄想了,毋怪乎功夫可以成就。

not only do you study with your eyes, mouth and mind present while at your desk, but you do not let up on your studying during meals, bedtimes and even in the bathroom.

2. 如果不在家,你可以去蹲厕所,越长越好,直到双腿瘫痪。

if the home does not, you can go to squat wc, the longer the better, until the legs paralysis.

3. 浸泡的袜子,各级包括西方马桶,蹲厕所,和经典的底座。

soak your socks and you lose. levels include western toilet bowl, squat toilet, and classic pedestal.

4. 她不能蹲下,我就把一个中间有洞的凳子放在蹲厕上,方便她上厕所。

with her on my back, it was not easy to pass through. also she could not squat. therefore i put a chair with a hole in the middle on the squat toilet for her.

5. 由于该设备使用虹吸,螺盘虹吸原理抽女性小便等,而不是人们认为的水红色,所以我相信厕所。

because the device uses siphon, snail dish siphon principle to urinate female pumped, etc., instead of people think the water red, so i believe the toilet.

6. 星期一费力克斯和他的行动小组私自携带降落伞并将其藏在了这座大楼的一个厕所顶棚上。

felix baumgartner and his team smuggled the parachute into the building on monday and stored it on the roof of a washroom.

7. 环境卫生;农村;垃圾处理;污水处理;无害化厕所

environmental hygiene; rural area; waste treatment; waste water treatment; sanitary toilet

8. 左边的厕所是专门给行动不便的人使用。

there is a special bathroom for disabled people on the left.

9. 结果表明,西南、西北及广西9省、区83个国家级贫困县的有厕率为90.0%,卫生厕所普及率为6.0%,粪便无害化处理率为25%,安全饮水覆盖率为56.7%,有13.2%家庭存在取水困难。

the results showed that the coverage of rural latrines, sanitary latrines and safe night-soil disposal in the surveyed regions had reached 90.0%, 6.0% and 25.0% of populations respectively.

10. 另外一个适合袭击的时间是在哨兵上厕所的时候。

another good time to attack the sentry is when he is going to the latrine.

11. 你要明白,我上厕所的时间是和正常人一样

just to be clear, i spend a normal amount of time in the bathroom.

12. 浴缸,电视,电话,厕所2 如果您指定日期并进行搜索查询,马上就会显示在这个期间各个宾馆的价格细目。

we welcome you to enjoy the peace of the heart of gascony, the land of the art of good life and the french paradox. 发表评论: 1.表示各种天气的英文单词有哪些 2.表示接近的英文单词有哪些 3.表示各种天气的几种英文单词 4.表示胜利的英文单词有哪些 5.表示天气的英文单词有哪些 6.表示担心的英文单词有几个




n. 英语;英格兰人

adj. 英格兰的;英格兰人的;英国的;英国人的;英语的

a degree in english does not qualify you to teach english.


john tutored the child in english.


his knowledge of english is fair.


her english is indifferent.


this is not in agreement with standard english usage.

